The Cincinnati Montessori Society is delighted to be offering Exhibitor Space and Sponsorship Opportunities for our annual conference to be held on Saturday, March 1, 2025, at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center. Our featured speaker is Dr. Laura Lackner Saylor.
If you are interested in having a table/ booth or becoming a conference sponsor at the conference please complete the registration below.

The Exhibit Hall
The event includes an exhibit hall located in the same room as the keynote presentation, providing maximum visibility of the exhibitor booths.
Exhibitors are invited to participate in order to:
- Showcase services or products face-to-face with Montessori practitioners
- Broaden contacts with school leaders, teacher education programs, and parents
- Increase awareness with individuals and organizations
- Make sales right on the spot
A booth in the Exhibit Hall costs:
- $175 per table if you are a for-profit vendor
- $150 per table for non-profit vendors.
- This includes admission to the conference and lunch for one person (additional personnel can be added for a $40 fee on the registration page.) Choose your top two tables choices when you register!
- The 8’ x 10’ exhibit space includes one 6’-skirted table and two side chairs.
- Wi-fi is provided for all exhibitors at no additional cost.
- Electricity is available.

Businesses exhibiting at the conference are subject to all applicable state laws regarding sales and use tax. Here is a publication from Kentucky that may be helpful. It is strictly your responsibility to determine your tax status.
Sharing or subleasing of booth space is not permitted. No pets or animals shall be permitted in the Exhibit Hall, with the exception of service animals for persons with disabilities.
The exhibitor’s name, logo and link to the website will be listed on the CMS website’s conference exhibitor page.
Information for Sponsorship Opportunities
We would like to invite you to participate in the 2024 CMS Conference by sponsoring this exceptional gathering of Montessori professionals. Our sponsors help defray the cost of putting on this major event, making it accessible for teachers from all types of schools.
The Society’s primary goal is to provide a network of support for Montessori Schools. As the face of American education continues to evolve, Maria Montessori’s theories become more relevant than ever. Last year’s conference attracted a large group of teachers and administrators who enjoyed presentations and discussions on diverse topics relevant to their unique roles in the educational community.
The CMS Conference offers an opportunity for your business or organization to increase exposure to this regional network of Montessori schools. The unique venue allows your business to directly target potential customers through conference programs, web exposure, signage and face-to-face interaction with attendees.
1. Conference Major Sponsors $850
- Recognition on the front of the Conference Program and on conference signage – including the marquis in front of the Northern Kentucky Convention Center
- Company’s literature/flyer/brochure placed on tables in the morning
- Recognition from the podium at the start of the day’s program
- Logo on Conference Bag
- Conference Bag Insert
- Booth in Exhibit Hall
- Logo and link on the home page of the CMS website.
2. Keynote Sponsor $600
- Recognition from the podium prior to keynote address
- Recognition in Conference Program and on Keynote signage
- Company’s literature/flyer/brochure placed on tables before the Keynote
- Logo on Conference Bag
- Conference Bag Insert
- Booth in Exhibit Hall
- Logo and link on CMS website.
3. Lunch Sponsor $450
- Recognition on conference signage and in Conference Program
- Company’s literature/flyer/brochure placed on tables before lunch
- Logo on Conference Bag
- Conference Bag Insert
- Booth in Exhibit Hall
- Logo and link on CMS website.
4. Conference Bag Inserts $150
- Send us 275 flyers, brochures, catalogues or something small to include in the participant’s bag.
Items must be received by February 10, 2025 and shipped to:
Mercy Montessori Center, 2335 Grandview Ave, Cincinnati, OH, 45206 C/O CMS Susan Flaspohler For any questions regarding exhibiting or sponsorship, please contact: conference committee,