Calling All Conference Speakers

Thank you for considering submitting a proposal for the Cincinnati Montessori Society’s Annual Conference on March 2, 2024, at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center. Our keynote speaker is Colleen Wilkinson at the conference participants will discover the profound impact of trauma-informed practices within Montessori classrooms.  The deadline for submission of proposals is November 17, 2023.You…

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CMS Make and Take Event!

Please join us to make two new math works for your 3-6 classroom. The Greater Than and Less Than Boards are easy to make and will be shelf-ready the next day! Children will use this work to practice comparing written numbers. All materials will be provided and we’ll have light refreshments. BYO beer, wine, etc.…

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Final Day to Register for the CMS Conference!

The Cincinnati Montessori Society Conference is a great opportunity to reconnect with the larger Montessori community! This event brings together Montessori teachers from this regional area and our line up of speakers is amazing. Don’t miss out on this inspiring in-person event. You will leave feeling inspired and ready to tackle the last few months…

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Connecting with the Cosmic Curriculum

Presented by: Anya Bartlett The Cosmic Curriculum is the core and foundation of the Montessori Elementary classroom. Yet, many teachers don’t fully understand it’s depth and purpose, avoid the Great Lessons and overlook the Cosmic Connection. Parents are often confused or conflicted about the purpose and presentations, and Administrators avoid it altogether. In this workshop,…

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Movement as a Foundation of Wellness in Montessori

Presented by: Dr. Barbara Murphy In Montessori, care-of-self activities in the practical life area support the development of many skills, but they also help highlight the value and importance of taking care of oneself. The challenges faced by humanity in recent times have invited a pause for reflection. It is time to prioritize the physical,…

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ECMH in the Montessori Classroom

Presented by: Catherine Guimaraes ECH in the Montessori Classroom focuses on foundational concepts of early childhood mental health, including brain development and social-emotional learning that takes place from birth through age 9. This presentation is designed to be a reflective experience that can be immediately applied to our work with children. Participants will begin by…

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Strengths Explorer/ Strength Finder In Your School Community

Presented by: Nancy Hawthorne Research shows that focusing on individuals strengths is much more effective than focusing on weaknesses. Helping children and adults identify and spotlight their strengths shows deep respect for them as individuals with special talents to bring to their community. With deep respect at the core of Montessori education, having a tool…

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Building a Database of All Montessori Programs in Ohio

Hello, Montessori Educators from around the state of Ohio have come together off and on for the last few years to talk about the challenges they experience with policies from district leadership and state legislators. Across several meetings, over 45 Montessori Educators from Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, and Cleveland gathered to get a lay of the…

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