ECMH in the Montessori Classroom

Presented by: Catherine Guimaraes

ECH in the Montessori Classroom focuses on foundational concepts of early childhood mental health, including brain development and social-emotional learning that takes place from birth through age 9. This presentation is designed to be a reflective experience that can be immediately applied to our work with children. Participants will begin by exploring how neurobiological concepts are linked to Montessori’s “sensitive periods.” This training will address the concepts of attachment, temperament, trauma and behavior, challenging participants to consider the impact of each on the children in their care. After gaining a “birds-eye” view of some foundational mental health concepts, we will discuss approaches to working with children that support healthy social-emotional development. We will explore areas of the Montessori philosophy that beautifully support children’s emotional development, and provide practical tools and interventions to fill in areas of need. This training will touch on Conscious Discipline strategies that align with the Montessori philosophy, as well as sociometric games and observational skills that promote social development through intentional community building.

You can attend this workshop and so many others on Saturday, March 4th. Learn more and register below.